A woman undergoing intense pulsed light in Birmingham using the Viora IPL device
A woman undergoing intense pulsed light in Birmingham using the Viora IPL device

RF Skin Tightening in Birmingham, AL

Tighten Up Loose Skin

Request an Appointment


Face & Skin

What RF Skin Tightening Treats:

Face (including the sensitive eye area)



Treatments needed:

4 to 6

Results of RF Skin Tightening:

6 to 12 months

Skin Smart

Reverse the Signs of Aging & Achieve a New Contour

Thinner, looser skin comes for us all as we age—thanks to the breakdown of vital collagen and elastin. If you want to take charge of your own skin, Viora RF or Scarlet SRF Microneedling may be the answer! Smart Skin Med Spa uses these advanced radiofrequency tools for the most effective skin tightening in Birmingham, AL!

Radiofrequency Skin Tightening

What to Expect During Skin Tightening Treatments

Step 1:

Prior to your first skin tightening procedure at our clinic in Birmingham, you’ll start by meeting with an experienced Smart Skin Med Spa provider for a 30-minute initial consultation!

We care about the success of our patients and providing them with the perfect treatment for their needs and goals. To make that happen, we’ll review your medical history and go over all of your unique aesthetic concerns before recommending a treatment.

Step 2:

If you’re a good candidate for skin tightening, we’ll then take you to one of our clean and comfortable treatment rooms to start your procedure! We’ll start by cleaning the treatment area.

If Scarlet SRF is chosen as your ideal treatment, your provider then uses innovative handheld Scarlet SRF device to create a series of microwounds while delivering radiofrequency energy deeply into your skin where it effective stimulates collagen and elastin for effective tightening.

Viora uses CORE (Channeling Optimized RF Energy), which offers 3 radiofrequency channels that your provider can either combine or use alone, depending on your needs. The RF energy delivers heat to all layers of the skin for enhanced skin tightening results.

Step 3:

The entire process for skin tightening generally takes about 30 minutes, depending on the treatment area. Once you finish your treatment with us, your provider will give you a set of aftercare instructions to follow for optimal results.

Step 4:

Usually, you can expect a few days of redness and mild swelling, followed by healthier looking skin. The tightening will develop over the following weeks. For those undergoing Scarlet SRF, most patients will have what looks like a mild sunburn for 2 to 4 days.

A little bit of swelling may follow, but you can typically expect to resume your normal makeup and skin regimen within 2 to 3 days. Viora skin tightening has no healing or downtime.


Benefits of Skin Tightening

Safe for all skin types and tones

Great treatment for any time of the year

Non-invasive treatments customizable to you

Improvements after one treatment

A woman recieving a treatment for Viora skin tightening in Birmingham

About Us

Quality & Care is in Everything We Do

Smart Skin Med Spa is a practice dedicated to providing treatments that make a meaningful difference in our patients lives—without ever wasting their time or money. We care about the people we help and never sacrifice quality.

With a wide range of proven aesthetic and wellness treatments, along with a full line of signature, high-quality skincare products, we’re here to provide you with great service and even better results.

Frequently Asked Questions About Skin Tightening

Treatment Match

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Use the Smart Skin Virtual Consultation Tool to input your concerns and receive custom treatment recommendations!

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